SEO Case Study: Online Hip-Hop Jewelry E-Commerce Store

Increased to 2.3K visitors per month.

In this case study, we will see the SEO of a brand-new jewelry website over a three-month period.

Starting from scratch, with no content, SEO implementation, or keyword research, the project aimed to build a strong online presence in a specific niche of the jewelry market.

Through a structured and strategic approach, we optimized key pages, developed a targeted content strategy, and improved the user experience, ultimately leading to significant growth in organic traffic and search engine visibility.

  • Duration: 3 months
  • Website Status: Brand new with no content or SEO
  • Target Audience: Specific niche in the jewelry market
  • No existing content or SEO
  • No keyword research done
  • The website lacked optimization on all pages
  1. Page Optimization: Focus on optimizing important pages, including collection and product pages.
  2. Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research and map keywords to relevant pages.
  3. Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy targeting trendy news in the jewelry niche and evergreen topics.
  4. Content Creation and Optimization: Create and optimize content regularly to improve search engine visibility.
  5. UX Improvements: Enhance user experience with features like recent product views, trust factor sections, and FAQs.
  6. Backlink Creation: Build backlinks to increase the website’s authority.

1st Month:

  • Page Optimization: Optimized collection and other key pages.
  • Product Pages: Began with the first batch of product page optimization.
  • Keyword Research: Conducted keyword research and mapped to collection and product pages.
  • Content Strategy: Targeted jewelry niche trendy news and one evergreen topic.
  • Blog Optimization: Performed keyword research for the blog and optimized blog content.

2nd Month:

  • Product Pages: Continued optimizing the remaining product pages (second batch).
  • Content Creation: Maintained the content strategy and created new content regularly.
  • Content Optimization: Continued optimizing existing content.
  • UX Improvements: Implemented suggestions for better user experience, such as recent product views and trust factor sections.

3rd Month:

  • Product Pages: Finalized optimization of the last batch of product pages.
  • Content Creation: Continued with the established content strategy and ongoing content creation.
  • Content Optimization: Kept optimizing content for better performance.
  • Backlink Creation: Started creating backlinks to improve site authority.
  • Organic Traffic: Increased to 2.3K visitors per month
  • Indexed Keywords: 2.8K keywords indexed by search engines
  • Authority Score: Reached a score of 23

The SEO efforts over three months helped a brand-new jewelry website into a growing platform with decent organic growth and search engine visibility.